
Number Forty Nine-We Made It!

I'm home.  With my son.  Not with the HH, but it's enough for now.

Oh, and I have an audition back out on the West Coast next week.

So we will be doing this all over again.



Number Forty Eight-Airports

I was bumped from my flight home.

My son is across the country and I can't get to him.

My husband is in a matinee right now and can't get to me.

Time to people watch....


Number Forty Seven-Twelfth Night

The HH was AMAZING in this production of "Twelfth Night".

I am so inspired by the man I married.  He has this incredible hunger and thirst for knowledge.  He is always wanting to make more out of every role he tackles.  He wants to do more, be more, learn more.  He is an amazingly joyous actor to watch.

Thank you, sweetheart, it was an amazing night!


Number Forty Six-Planes

I am off to see the HH.

I have two days off in a row so I am flying out today after show and then I will be there tomorrow and fly home Thursday.

It's going to be a quick trip so I am leaving the LM with his amazing babysitter.  She is great with him and he loves her SOOO much.  I am the one who is a mess at the thought of leaving the LM.  He probably won't even notice.

I do have to admit, I am beginning to despise planes.  Too much time on them will do that to a person.


Number Forty Five-I Found a Babysitter!!!

So the LM has an AMAZING sitter that I take him to during the day.  Seriously, I don't think there is anyone out there who is better.  She loves the LM to pieces, treats him like family and saves me pretty much every single day.  She is such a blessing.  And the LM LOVES her.

I have been having some difficulty finding a night time babysitter.  Someone to come to my house and watch him and get him to bed for the nighttime gigs that I do.

It is so difficult to find someone you trust enough to leave in your home with the most precious person in the world to you.

I have had many people who have come over and helped me out while I have been searching.
Thank you to you all!!!

And thanks to Chase, the LM's new night time Babysitter extraordinaire


Number Forty Four-I Love Sundays

Sundays are awesome.

I love being able to go to church and to recharge.

Now I am not going to lie.  Sundays are probably one of the most stressful days of the week for me.  I have to wake up early and pack a church bag and a babysitter bag.  Get the LM and myself ready for church and out the door by 8:00.  Then it's drop the LM off at the babysitter and switch over the giant lounge chair that is his car seat and then run off to work.  Then I do my show, get out of costume, run to church to meet the babysitter there and pick up the LM.  Church mostly consists of trying to keep the LM from having a melt down and still listening to the speakers.

But I love it.  No matter the stress that goes into it, I adore being able to sit once a week and be spiritually fed for a few hours


Number Forty Three-Rehearsals

I started rehearsals today for a reading I am doing.

I adore being able to read new scripts, meet new people, occupy a different world, challenge myself and my world view.


Number Forty Two-Doctors

I had an eye appointment today.

The LM and I went to get my eyes dilated and checked out and order some contacts.

Six months ago the thought of taking the LM to a doctor's office that was NOT for him would have made me frantic.  (That is probably why I haven't been the the eye doctors for over a year and have been wearing the same pair of 2 week lenses for 4 months)

It went just fine.  I sat the LM on my lap, leaned away from him to put my head in that little eye looker thingy and let him watch Little Einsteins on my phone.  

That's right folks, I'm officially a mom!


Number Forty One-Thankful Tree

We started a Thankful Tree.  Everyday we write something new about what we are thankful for and put it on the tree. 

(This one is NOT mine.  Mine is not nearly as pretty, but you get the idea)

I find this to be an awesome visual reminder of how constantly blessed you are.

Happy Thankful Month!!!


Number Forty-The Wonder Years

I loved this show growing up.

Now that I have the LM around I have to agree.

He attacks every single moment with gusto.  He is always trying new things.  He falls a hundred times a day and gets up a hundred times a day.  Things challenge him at every turn and he continues to try and learn and grow.

I am going to start trying to take after him more.

From now on I will attack every audition without timidity, I will push myself harder and continually try to learn new things.

Thanks LM, I needed the reminder.


Number Thirty Nine-Scheduling Time for Love

I have come to a conclusion.

Living apart from a spouse is difficult.  That's right.  I said it.  It is hard.

No wonder people (actor people especially) have difficulty with fidelity.  They are always moving around, having time apart, living separate lives.  It gets really difficult.  And then, when the difficult times come and you need a shoulder to cry on, your spouse isn't there and so you find other outlets.

I totally get it.  It is really difficult.

I think I have found the solution.  Though it's not extremely romantic and takes out some of the grandiose gestures, I have found that it works.

While the HH and I are on different sides on the continent we have decided to sit down once a week and schedule 2-3 times a day where we know we are going to talk.  One of those times every single day is a time where we will both be REALLY available to sit down and listen.  We also try to make sure that one of those times every day the HH and LM are able to skype and see each other.

It isn't always the most convenient and it isn't always perfect (especially on my end, HH is always so patient with me) but we never give up.  We have actually gotten a lot better with communicating with one another.

So as unromantic as it may sound, schedule some time everyday for love.

It may help.


Number Thirty Eight-Happy Halloween!

When I was little I LOVED this cereal.  I loved the colors and the marshmallows and the way it turned my milk pink.
I have since drastically changed my diet.  No sugar cereals in my house.  None at all.  I get slightly addicted to them and will eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I did break down and get a box for Halloween.

Either my taste buds have changed or the recipe for FrankenBerry has changed.  

They were NOT good.

But a great memory.


Number Thity Seven-Today I Slept In!

That's right!  

I got to sleep in a wee bit today.  The LM usually wakes up between 6:45 and 7:00.  He wakes up with some nice warm ups and babbling.  He likes to talk to his stuffed animals.
It is pretty much the best sound to wake up to.
There was a time, long ago when I was able to sleep past 7:00 am.  In fact, most of the time I slept past 10:00 am.

Who am I kiddin?  Before the LM I didn't have to wake up until I felt like it.

Sometimes I miss the sleeping in but that little voice is worth waking up for.


Number Thirty Six-Stage Romance

Do you believe in stage romances?

When I first started acting I fell in love with each and everyone of my leading men.  I knew that it was real.  I knew that it would last forever.  And it did......
until about a month after the show closed.

As I got older I made a deal with myself to never date someone I was in a show with.  

That worked really well for me.

Then I met my HH.  We met, of course, doing a show together.  We hung out in groups and talked a lot while we were in this show but we never dated.

The day after the show ended we had our first date.  Now we have been married for 6 1/2 years and are still madly in love with each other.

Moral to my story?

If it is a relationship that is going to last, it's okay to wait and get to know each other on stage and off.  If it's right right now then it'll be right later on too.


Number Thirty Five-Halloween Potluck

I love my cast.

We will use any excuse to cook and have a potluck in the Green Room.

Tonight, for example, we had a pre Halloween potluck, ate delicious food, watched "Hocus Pocus" and decorated a cookie graveyard.

Then for our work, we went on stage and played pretend.

Yup, I totally have a 1st Graders job.

I love it!


Number Thirty Four-I Know all the Plotlines

I know every plot line, character and song in "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse".  I can sing most of the songs from "The Backyardigans".  I know just by listening what is happening with "Jake and the Neverland Pirates".

I have no idea what is happening in the world besides what I see and read while in the Green Room.  I have NO clue what is on TV past the above mentioned shows.  

I want to be well read and well informed.  We have an election coming up and I want to know the candidates, know what they stand for, know their stances and policies.  I want to be aware of what is happening in the world.  I want to know what is happening in my community and how I can help.  The only problem is I don't really want to have the LM watch TV.  I don't want it to be a constant companion.

So I will switch it on while I get ready for the day and then it's off for the rest of the day.  I read the same books over and over and over to the LM because they are his favorites.  We have tried to start doing some Huck Finn but the LM is at that stage where he feels the need to destroy everything around him.  So board books it is for now.

"Now, let's count all of our gold doubloons and put them in our team treasure chest."


Number Thirty Three-I Never Liked Halloween

I dress up for my living.

I don't need to have one night a year when I dress up for fun.  The costumes I can come up with are seriously lacking in comparison with most of the costumes I get to wear on stage.

I am also pretty much always on a diet.  Having had the LM (yes, I know it was a year ago) has made it a little more difficult to get the weight off.  Plus I still have a little extra "love" around the love handle area that I just can't seem to get rid of.

Ever since I saw my LM in his monkey costume I have realized why the tradition of Halloween has continued.  


I just want to munch his little cheeks off!!!


Number Thirty Two-Standing on Ceremony

I am super excited about a reading that I am participating in called "Standing on Ceremony-The Gay Marriage Plays".  

There are nine plays that explore all kinds of different opinions and situations on the subject of Gay Marriage.

I am interested work with a new company and some old and new friends.

I think that with all of this political talk and discussion, with all of the yelling and turmoil, if we could all just calm down and truly listen to each other we would have a much better idea on where everyone is coming from.  We are all people who are just trying to live our lives the best we know how and the way we feel best living them.

These shows discuss some of those issues.

Look it up if you are interested.  I know I am!


Number Thirty-I love Dairy

I do.  I love dairy.  Ice cream mostly but also cheese, milk, butter.  YUM!

I gave up a lot of things when I got pregnant with the LM.  No more caffeine, no more Ibuprofen, no more fake sugars.  I was more than happy to do it.  The HH and I worked for 4 years to get the LM here and I was not going to take ANY chances with him cooking in there.  

Now he is out and about and over a year.  I went to my pediatrician because I noticed that the LM was all flemmy and had a rash that wouldn't go away.  Her explanation?

He's allergic to dairy.  

So I came home and cleaned out my fridge of anything that looked delicious and creamy.  I bought a bunch of Almond Milk and vegan butter and started looking for vegan recipes.  (I will just add meat to them;-))

So goodbye dairy.  I will miss you.  But hey, if I have to choose between you and my LM feeling well, he wins every time.


Number Twenty Nine-Wow, Equity Card, Wow!

Just got my new Equity card in the mail today.

Boy is that bright!!!  Hello Lime Green!

I do have to say that I am so grateful to be a part of such an Amazing Union and part of an Incredible Group of Artists.

My HH and I worked for 47 weeks in the EMC program.  We were both then cast in a show that gives you your card.  So 3 weeks from earning our cards we got them.  We struggled through little theaters, dinner theaters, 6-8 week contracts.  We worked so hard to be a part of this Union.  We have been proud members for the last 5 years and we will continue to support our Equity Community.

I am so Proud to be a member of Actor's Equity!


Number Twenty Eight-My Special Guest Star

The HH is in town.  I am determined to not have a single Holiday, Birthday, Special Occasion without the LM and HH having photos together.

So we did some early Trick or Treating.

My little monkey man!!!

He had so much fun and we got a ton of pictures!!


Number Twenty Seven-Have I Told You Lately...

I love you.
My life changed when this LM came into it.  I would not trade the aches, pains, sleep deprivation or perspective.

Thanks for trusting me to be your Mommy!!!


Number Twenty Six-Sometimes I Miss Nature

I love what I do.
I love my little family.
I love nature.

All three together=perfection.


Number Twenty Five-My Sword

There is a double edged sword in having a steady acting job.

I love what I am doing, I love providing for my family, I enjoy the friends I have at my stage, I love the hours I am working, I love the area I am in.

Other edge of the sword

I love new experiences, I love new pieces, I love new people, I love new roles, I love new challenges.

These two parts of myself are forever at war.  When I am auditioning, I want a job.  I want some stability and a chance to be somewhere for a while.  When I am in a role I am always looking at what is auditioning all over, where my friends are, what things I am missing out on.

I feel like I need to change that.  A little more zen is what I need.  Peace and happiness for what I am and where I am.

No matter what, where ever I am, my LM and HH are with me and we are a family.  

Sword not withstanding.


Number Twenty Four-Laying on a Golf Ball

So I am laying on a Golf Ball.

Why, you may ask?  Because I have a giant knot on my hip. 

The last post was about removable arms and legs.  Now I need a new hip.  And a new knee.  I talked to our trainer at the stage and she said that I should take a golf ball and and roll on top of it in the tight/affected  area.  My knee is also acting up right now because the weather is changing.

That's right, I am 110.


Number Twenty Three-My Shoulder is Falling Off

I wish I had removable arms like Barbie.

And legs.

My show is great.  I love it.  I enjoy being on stage.  I enjoy the message our show sends.  I truly do.  It is such an amazing show to be a part of.

 It is also the most challenging role I have ever tackled physically.  It is all kinds of crazy with the physical demands.  So is the rest of single parenthood.  The LM is almost able to walk by myself every where but he still needs help in and out of his crib and into the car and up in the car seat.  Between the show and the LM and working out, I feel like my body cannot do too much more.  

So for Christmas this year I want new arms and new legs.  Like Barbie

I would also her abs, if they are available....


Number Twenty Two-I Went To a Tupperware Party

No joke.

A dear friend from my show held a Tupperware Party.  Of course I went!  I was actually excited to be a little bit domestic and 1950's"ish".  Plus, some time hanging out with my favorite girls is always a bonus.

I also brought along the LM.

There in was my mistake.

We arrived a bit late.  The LM walked in and immediately started flirting with everyone.  He waved, he smiled, he laughed.

Then he started screaming.

Goodbye domesticity!!!


Number Twenty One-Cousins!!!

All the boys are here!

The LM's cousins are in town and they all get to play together.  These three boys could not be more different or more boyish.

Their aunt came to watch them while I went to shows.  While I was there, they went on a walk, made Halloween decorations, popped popcorn and played with toys.

When I got home I opened the door and received a chorus of "Boo!!!".  The LM mostly watches his older cousins with round saucer eyes full of adoration.  What a gift to have family in town

I love these little guys.


Number Twenty-Happy Mexican Food Day!

Every year my HH family celebrates the birthday of his father by having some Mexican food.

You see, my HH's father, Keith, passed away 9 years ago.  His favorite food is Mexican food and so every year, in his honor, they go out and eat and celebrate an amazing man.

I never got to meet Keith.  I hope that he is looking down on his son and proud of the wonderful man he is.  I am grateful for this man I have never met.  Keith gave my HH the upbringing and example that made him who he is.

So thank you, Keith.  

I am having a taco in your honor.


Number Nineteen-Next Fall

I went to see a really interesting show tonight, "Next Fall".

It was a thought provoking piece about homosexuality and Christianity.  There were no villains and no heroes.  Just people trying to live, love and die the way they felt was right.  

The actors all did a good job.  A couple of them were absolutely stellar.

As I sat there being drawn into this interesting piece I realized something.

This was the first time I had been out without my LM for a non work related reason.  

At that moment in the show I couldn't stop thinking about the LM.  The MINUTE the show was over I was running out of the door, to my car and driving as quickly as safety and the law would allow.

Publish PostDoes it ever get easier leaving the LM?  Will I ever be able to relax?


Number Eighteen-Young Picasso

My son is an artist.  I think it was inevitable, but he is.  His art is simply delicious.

Really.  We made his paint out of whipping cream and food coloring.  You see, he is an artist.  He gets so involved in his art that he tends to want the art to become part of him.  So much so that he will ingest the items of his art.

Now we use whipping cream.

He eats it AND paints with it.

Like I said, an artist!


Number Seventeen-Dear Casting Directors

Dear Casting Directors:

I love that you ask for Mom's with children.  I love auditioning with my own son.  If there is a call that I can go to with my LM, I will be there without hesitation.  Hands down.


When you are auditioning a group of people and some of those people are toddlers, could you maybe try to get them in first?  

I got my audition time at a time I knew the LM would have gotten up from his nap, refreshed and ready to go.  We packed some food, games and books.  Enough for about an hour of entertainment.

The LM was terrific.  Super happy, smiling at everyone, waving at people, talking, reading, being sweet.  For the first hour. 

The second hour consisted of him running around the audition room, periodically screaming at the top of his lungs and stealing other actors cell phones.

Into hour number three he was a beast.  ANNNDDD we got called in.

Unless the directors wanted the spawn of Satan himself, I have a feeling we didn't get it.


Number Sixteen-The scars of Mommyhood

This is my LM.

How much joy he gets from the water!
The stretch marks, extra skin, bags under the eyes, messy hair, sleep deprivation and exhaustion are all battle scars.

He is the prize for going into the battle.

Bring on the battle!


Number Fifteen-Our Awesome Audience

It's been raining for 24 hours straight.

This is difficult on all levels.  It makes getting in and out of the car with the LM and the bags a lot more difficult.  It makes going grocery shopping with the LM more difficult  It makes keeping the LM from going crazy because he's been indoors more difficult.

It also make my job more difficult.

Our theater tends to flood just a wee bit.  We also have an issue with extreme temperatures. 

All of the extremes are worth getting through because 1,500 people get to see our show.

Except that today it was 84 people......scattered throughout a 1,500 person seat theater.

*cricket, cricket*


Number Fourteen-House Sitting

The LM and I are house sitting for a few days.

A house, a dog, a cat and two teenage girls.

It is so great to be in a house instead of the apartment.  So nice to have a backyard and lots of extra space.  So nice to have a normal life for a few days.

The LM also found out about the joy of stairs.  He can climb up them like a mountain climber.  He does not understand how to go down them.  He stands at the top and yells until I come and get him.  No matter how often we go down them on our tummies and mommy tries to show him, he prefers yelling at the top of his lungs for me to pick him up.

I found the joy of a pantry.  I live in the healthy place with all delicious foods that are healthy and ones you have to put together to eat.  This house had wonderful food porn like Swiss Roles and Brownies and  Trix and Lucky Charms and Fruit RollUps.

Wow, I need to go back to my healthy reality.


Number Thirteen-So THAT'S Why My Agent Doesn't Send Me Out Anymore...

A great mystery has been unfolded to me.

I know why I haven't been being sent out that frequently.

A few days ago I went to a commercial audition.  That's right, I made it to the audition.  
I went in and I Nailed it.  
I had just gotten off of a wonderful workshop and felt rejuvenated.  I actually made it to the audition.  That's right, I MADE IT TO THE AUDITION!!!  That is huge for me right now because of all the pieces that have to fit together just right for that to happen. (i.e.-the audition has to be at a time when I am not in show, my sitter has to be available to watch the LM, the LM has to have had enough Mommy time and be feeling happy and healthy, it has to be at a Casting Directors place that doesn't normally have a two hour wait)

After the audition I picked up the LM.  When I got there the babysitter looked at me and said, "Rough Day?"  I then took the opportunity to look in the mirror.

On my shirt was a giant wipe of snot, there was dried oatmeal under my right ear down my jaw, my earrings were mismatched, and there was a giant part of my hair that was sticking straight out.

Yup, I Nailed it.


Number Twelve-Dear Angelina....

I may or may not have a bone to pick with Angelina Jolie...

She is an actor, she has six kids, she has a fantastic career and she looks flawless.

I am an actor, I have one child, I have a career that I love and I look like I have been hit by a Mack Truck.

How does she do it?  Honestly, I understand the nannies and the trainers and all of that but I find it so difficult at night when I am busy trying to get everything in order and the LM in bed and the kitchen cleaned up and clothes folded to NOT eat that popcorn or that cereal.  I find it difficult to put my all into the workout.  I need to have energy to pick up that 27 lbs LM.  

Will I ever look in the mirror and think, "Oh yeah.  That is what I was wanting to see."


Number Eleven-My Gut

I had a baby......one year ago.

I worked hard, dieted, exercised, took out dairy and gluten for 6 months and got my body down 8 lbs lower than before I was pregnant.

This means nightly denying my chocolate craving.  Or my nightly Ben & Jerry's craving.  Or my s'mores craving.  Or my popcorn craving.  Or all of those at the same time.

My HH was in town for all of 38 hours.  I gained it all back plus some.  

I am going to get a doughnut.


Number Ten-Perfection

Who has their LM and HH in the same house at the same time????

I Do!!!

This is why I wanted to have a baby after I got married.  Man to Man defense works, but sometimes it's nice to double team the LM.  

HH leaves early morning tomorrow (ie 4:00 am)

But we spent every single minute together while he was here and made some awesome memories.

My favorite was sleeping


Number Nine -He's Here!

My HH is here!!!!

I KNEW we got married for a reason.  We just love being together.  We are so lucky to have each other and are completely blessed to be able to do what we love.  It really is a wonderful life.

The only Minor glitch may be the confusion we are sending our LM through.  We have some amazing friends where I am at and they are consistently supportive and helpful.  They are wonderful with the LM too.  There are a handful of our Guy Friends who are always great to play "Papa" and help me with the LM and/or diaper bags/strollers when we are out.  The LM has taken to calling these GF's "Dada".  Yeah, I feel Awful about that.  I try to correct him and change it but there you have it.  In my mind I thought that the LM would then can my HH that too.

Enter HH.  What does he get from the LM?  "Hi Adam!"




Number Seven-My Husband is Coming

My Handsome Husband is coming to visit.

Now you may be thinking that this is odd but I am an actor, he is an actor.  Sometimes that means we have to live apart.

We don't enjoy it and it can be especially difficult for him since he misses out on so many things with the LM.  Those were my rules though.  I grow the LM inside of me, I get to have him when we have to be apart.  I get the stretch marks but I also get to clean up the poop, vomit and urine.

Wait a minute.....

So my HH is coming for a visit.  Now the housing I am staying in is provided by the Company that hired me.  It is a step above ghetto, but it's free.  Needless to say it makes cleaning the apartment nearly impossible.  You can add all the spices you want to crap soup but you are still eating crap.

Instead of accepting this fact I decided to really clean like I have never cleaned before.  I mean, I got out the toothbrush to clean in corners, the sponge and bucket to scrub the floors and the spray bottle for the trash cans.  I cleaned for about 5 hours.

I took a before and after photo.

They looked the same.


Number Six-Know When To Stop, Wal-Mart Lady

To anyone who mistakes the gender of a baby:

Know when to stop.

So I was in Wal-Mart with the LM.  Now I HATE Wal-Mart.  I was there against my will.  I know plenty of people who love Wal-Mart and enjoying saving money.  This is not a post about exploitation and corruption so don't start getting your undies in a twist.

This is about knowing when to stop.

As I was walking around with the LM, who looks like a BOY (a very boyish boy), a Wal-Mart employee stopped and cooed at my son.  I'm used to it.  He's adorable and loves to smile.  Then the employee turns to me and says, "What an adorable little girl!"  Okay, that's fine.  He's young, wearing yellow and white, no biggie.  "Actually he's a boy, but thank you!  I certainly think so."

Employee looks at me.  "Wow, he sure looks like a girl."

Me: "Well, he definitely a boy"

Employee: "Are you sure?"

I walked away.


Number Five-How to Permanently Scar Your Child

My first day off and I may or may not have scarred my child for life.

I thought that it would be brilliant to get my LM's blood drawn since I had a day off and then I figured I would take him to the water park after so we could end the day on a high note.

Let's begin at the Dr office.  My LM was happily going along, talking to the nurses, eating bananas and smiling.  Then entered The Nurse.  I specifically told them it was a pediatric draw.  She looked like she was here for the convicts of death row blood draw.  She had me hold him while she wrapped that wretched band around his little arm.  My LM looked up at her and smiled his toothy grin.  Not even so much as a wink from The Nurse.  Enter The Needle.  The Nurse didn't seem to realize that this was a 12 month old child.  She poked him, missed, poked again, missed, poked again.  I swear to you that if I hadn't had my arms full of a screaming little boy I would have decked her and laid her out.  Meanwhile my LM is looking at me like, "What on Earth did I do to deserve this?!?!  I promise I will fix whatever it is that I did wrong Mommy, just make the mean lady stop!"  When The Nurse finally got the needle in I took a look at the tubes.  Four tubes of blood.  FOUR.  And not the baby size either.  The adult size.  The Huge Convict of Death Row tubes.  CRAZY!!!  After we got done The Nurse took off the band and left the room without saying anything.  After 10 minutes she yelled from down the hall, "You aren't still in there are you? "


Well at least I have the water park.  

We headed on over and had an awesome time.  The LM loves the water.  He loves splashing and socializing and today we introduced slides.  He did pretty well with the little kids slides so I looked around to see if there was a family type slide.  Not one where the tube could tip over or anything but something we could do together.  As I was looking at the map a family came and told me that they were taking their 18 month old on a certain ride.  They assured me that it was really mellow and family friendly.  Away we go.  Up, up, up we went.  We got there and boarded the giant raft.  They told me I couldn't put him on my lap, that he had to sit next to me.  Yellow Flag going up.  Then, as we are about to go the helper person said, "Alright, make sure he hangs onto the rope."  Before I could say, "He doesn't understand what that means!" we were off!  Mellow is NOT how I would describe it.  After the first 4 foot drop and my son screaming and trying desperately to get into my arms, I decided to never again trust another human.  EVER.  Especially 8 1/2 month pregnant lady who is hauling her 18 month old son up 12 flights of stairs to take him and herself down the raft of doom.

I may have wanted to deck her too.

I also may have gained the 12 pounds at "Sweet Tomatoes".

Yup, I am totally Mother of the Year


Number Four-Light at the End of the Tunnel

I am almost finished.  

Part of the joy of being an actor is that your hours (while in show) are pretty limited.  My hours are easy and I get to spend a whole lot of time with the Little Man.  Pretty awesome setup.  Being that we are living across the country from my Handsome Husband right now, I am super grateful for the amount of time that I get to be with our boy.

Enter rehearsal.

Rehearsal times are SUPER busy.  Lots of work and lots of long days.  6-7 days a week and 8-12 hours a day.  For 4 weeks.

But now they are done.  I just finished the last show of MY work week and I am looking at two gorgeous days ahead of me with nothing to do but enjoy my handsome Little Man.

I also may or may not go gain 12 pounds at "Sweet Tomatoes" in celebration.


Number Three-My Child is the Screamer

I got up this morning, got the little man ready, got all of the "stuff" (ie bottles, food, blankie, diapers, wipes, toys, books, is case he pees clothes), dropped him and all the "stuff" off at the babysitters, got to work, did my two shows, picked up my little guy and all his "stuff' and then it was off to the event that is grocery shopping.

Now my son can definitely walk.  He is a great walker.  But he is only 12 months old so he is an awful listener.  He loves to go around and pick every item off of each shelf.  Thus, he sits in the cart.  I've timed it.  I have 20 minutes to do a week's worth of shopping before the screaming starts.  That 20 minutes is full of me talking to him and listening him talk back, singing to him, giving him the snacks I have packed and playing race car with him.  Usually I can make it through and get the entire shopping trip done and still have a happy camper.  Not today.

I blame the Pumpkin Puree.  First off, they were all out of Spaghetti Squash.  Okay, I can deal.  Then they were out of hummus.  Annoying, but I have chick peas at home and olive oil and garlic.  I will just make my own.  It was the Pumpkin Puree that threw me.  I was DETERMINED that I would find it.  I went up and down each aisle at least 5 times.  Then I asked a clerk.

They are out.

The second time around the aisles is when it started.  My lovely son has found that he enjoys screaming. Not when he's angry or sad.  When he's bored.  It's a sound that rivals the best B Horror movie heroines. My philosophy is to ignore the bad and lavish on the praise of the good choices.  For now.

So he screamed.

I ignored.

People stared.

My child, the screamer


Number Two-Naturally

I will readily admit to one and all that I am a bit on the crunchy side when it comes to child raising.

Crunchy, you know, granola.

I tend to look to the natural, organic, holistic/homeopathic way of life more than the current norm.  I know that my style is my style and I am not trying to be an advocate for anything except perhaps laughing more at yourself and the journey that is parenthood.  Today my son gave me reason to pause and rethink my love for the all natural way of life and also a good reason to laugh.  

After church this afternoon we came home and I got him out of his little white button up collared onesie (thank you mom, it's super cute on him!) and went in to the room to grab a cloth diaper and some comfy clothes for the little man.  I heard a "rrriiippp, rrriipppp" followed by a giggle.  My baby boy has recently found out how to take off his diaper and he relishes doing just that.  I figured it couldn't hurt him to run around naked for a second while I grabbed his clothes so I just kept on my way.  Then came the silence. I am certain if you have a child you know what I am talking about.  The silence means that unequivocally your child is doing something he or she should not.  I rushed back into the room to find my little love standing bare naked in front of our giant sliding glass window (which faces the street), staring at the people walking by.  I glanced down just in time to see the pool of his number one at his feet and the drop, drop, dropping of his number two all over my carpet.

He waved at the people and turned to me and smiled.



Number 1-Laundry and Life

I currently have seven piles of clothes in my bedroom.

I am telling you that because my house, for the most part, looks clean. To any random visitor or friend stopping by everything has a place and is fairly put together. My one year old is bathed, has on a clean cloth diaper, full tummy of organic almond milk, and off in sleepy land. I came home from rehearsals, put all of my attention on my little man and once he fell asleep I cleaned up and prepared for tomorrow before getting ready for bed myself. The house LOOKS good. Just don't enter my bedroom.

Each of those laundry piles has a reason. There's the dirty laundry pile, the clean but need to be folded cloth diapers, the clean but need to be sorted clothes, the sorted but need to be hung up pile, the Goodwill area, dry clean only (that may have to wait yet another year) and finally the hand wash items.

I feel like this may be how my life is. Looks good on the outside but the inside is just various degrees of mess. Organized mess. Method to my madness mess.

But hey, it's MY mess, right? I know where all those piles are and what they do.

Get ready, world, it's laundry day!!!