
Number Twenty Three-My Shoulder is Falling Off

I wish I had removable arms like Barbie.

And legs.

My show is great.  I love it.  I enjoy being on stage.  I enjoy the message our show sends.  I truly do.  It is such an amazing show to be a part of.

 It is also the most challenging role I have ever tackled physically.  It is all kinds of crazy with the physical demands.  So is the rest of single parenthood.  The LM is almost able to walk by myself every where but he still needs help in and out of his crib and into the car and up in the car seat.  Between the show and the LM and working out, I feel like my body cannot do too much more.  

So for Christmas this year I want new arms and new legs.  Like Barbie

I would also her abs, if they are available....

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