
Number Fourteen-House Sitting

The LM and I are house sitting for a few days.

A house, a dog, a cat and two teenage girls.

It is so great to be in a house instead of the apartment.  So nice to have a backyard and lots of extra space.  So nice to have a normal life for a few days.

The LM also found out about the joy of stairs.  He can climb up them like a mountain climber.  He does not understand how to go down them.  He stands at the top and yells until I come and get him.  No matter how often we go down them on our tummies and mommy tries to show him, he prefers yelling at the top of his lungs for me to pick him up.

I found the joy of a pantry.  I live in the healthy place with all delicious foods that are healthy and ones you have to put together to eat.  This house had wonderful food porn like Swiss Roles and Brownies and  Trix and Lucky Charms and Fruit RollUps.

Wow, I need to go back to my healthy reality.

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