
Number Twelve-Dear Angelina....

I may or may not have a bone to pick with Angelina Jolie...

She is an actor, she has six kids, she has a fantastic career and she looks flawless.

I am an actor, I have one child, I have a career that I love and I look like I have been hit by a Mack Truck.

How does she do it?  Honestly, I understand the nannies and the trainers and all of that but I find it so difficult at night when I am busy trying to get everything in order and the LM in bed and the kitchen cleaned up and clothes folded to NOT eat that popcorn or that cereal.  I find it difficult to put my all into the workout.  I need to have energy to pick up that 27 lbs LM.  

Will I ever look in the mirror and think, "Oh yeah.  That is what I was wanting to see."

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