Sundays are awesome.
I love being able to go to church and to recharge.
Now I am not going to lie. Sundays are probably one of the most stressful days of the week for me. I have to wake up early and pack a church bag and a babysitter bag. Get the LM and myself ready for church and out the door by 8:00. Then it's drop the LM off at the babysitter and switch over the giant lounge chair that is his car seat and then run off to work. Then I do my show, get out of costume, run to church to meet the babysitter there and pick up the LM. Church mostly consists of trying to keep the LM from having a melt down and still listening to the speakers.
But I love it. No matter the stress that goes into it, I adore being able to sit once a week and be spiritually fed for a few hours
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