
Number Forty Nine-We Made It!

I'm home.  With my son.  Not with the HH, but it's enough for now.

Oh, and I have an audition back out on the West Coast next week.

So we will be doing this all over again.



Number Forty Eight-Airports

I was bumped from my flight home.

My son is across the country and I can't get to him.

My husband is in a matinee right now and can't get to me.

Time to people watch....


Number Forty Seven-Twelfth Night

The HH was AMAZING in this production of "Twelfth Night".

I am so inspired by the man I married.  He has this incredible hunger and thirst for knowledge.  He is always wanting to make more out of every role he tackles.  He wants to do more, be more, learn more.  He is an amazingly joyous actor to watch.

Thank you, sweetheart, it was an amazing night!


Number Forty Six-Planes

I am off to see the HH.

I have two days off in a row so I am flying out today after show and then I will be there tomorrow and fly home Thursday.

It's going to be a quick trip so I am leaving the LM with his amazing babysitter.  She is great with him and he loves her SOOO much.  I am the one who is a mess at the thought of leaving the LM.  He probably won't even notice.

I do have to admit, I am beginning to despise planes.  Too much time on them will do that to a person.


Number Forty Five-I Found a Babysitter!!!

So the LM has an AMAZING sitter that I take him to during the day.  Seriously, I don't think there is anyone out there who is better.  She loves the LM to pieces, treats him like family and saves me pretty much every single day.  She is such a blessing.  And the LM LOVES her.

I have been having some difficulty finding a night time babysitter.  Someone to come to my house and watch him and get him to bed for the nighttime gigs that I do.

It is so difficult to find someone you trust enough to leave in your home with the most precious person in the world to you.

I have had many people who have come over and helped me out while I have been searching.
Thank you to you all!!!

And thanks to Chase, the LM's new night time Babysitter extraordinaire


Number Forty Four-I Love Sundays

Sundays are awesome.

I love being able to go to church and to recharge.

Now I am not going to lie.  Sundays are probably one of the most stressful days of the week for me.  I have to wake up early and pack a church bag and a babysitter bag.  Get the LM and myself ready for church and out the door by 8:00.  Then it's drop the LM off at the babysitter and switch over the giant lounge chair that is his car seat and then run off to work.  Then I do my show, get out of costume, run to church to meet the babysitter there and pick up the LM.  Church mostly consists of trying to keep the LM from having a melt down and still listening to the speakers.

But I love it.  No matter the stress that goes into it, I adore being able to sit once a week and be spiritually fed for a few hours


Number Forty Three-Rehearsals

I started rehearsals today for a reading I am doing.

I adore being able to read new scripts, meet new people, occupy a different world, challenge myself and my world view.


Number Forty Two-Doctors

I had an eye appointment today.

The LM and I went to get my eyes dilated and checked out and order some contacts.

Six months ago the thought of taking the LM to a doctor's office that was NOT for him would have made me frantic.  (That is probably why I haven't been the the eye doctors for over a year and have been wearing the same pair of 2 week lenses for 4 months)

It went just fine.  I sat the LM on my lap, leaned away from him to put my head in that little eye looker thingy and let him watch Little Einsteins on my phone.  

That's right folks, I'm officially a mom!


Number Forty One-Thankful Tree

We started a Thankful Tree.  Everyday we write something new about what we are thankful for and put it on the tree. 

(This one is NOT mine.  Mine is not nearly as pretty, but you get the idea)

I find this to be an awesome visual reminder of how constantly blessed you are.

Happy Thankful Month!!!


Number Forty-The Wonder Years

I loved this show growing up.

Now that I have the LM around I have to agree.

He attacks every single moment with gusto.  He is always trying new things.  He falls a hundred times a day and gets up a hundred times a day.  Things challenge him at every turn and he continues to try and learn and grow.

I am going to start trying to take after him more.

From now on I will attack every audition without timidity, I will push myself harder and continually try to learn new things.

Thanks LM, I needed the reminder.


Number Thirty Nine-Scheduling Time for Love

I have come to a conclusion.

Living apart from a spouse is difficult.  That's right.  I said it.  It is hard.

No wonder people (actor people especially) have difficulty with fidelity.  They are always moving around, having time apart, living separate lives.  It gets really difficult.  And then, when the difficult times come and you need a shoulder to cry on, your spouse isn't there and so you find other outlets.

I totally get it.  It is really difficult.

I think I have found the solution.  Though it's not extremely romantic and takes out some of the grandiose gestures, I have found that it works.

While the HH and I are on different sides on the continent we have decided to sit down once a week and schedule 2-3 times a day where we know we are going to talk.  One of those times every single day is a time where we will both be REALLY available to sit down and listen.  We also try to make sure that one of those times every day the HH and LM are able to skype and see each other.

It isn't always the most convenient and it isn't always perfect (especially on my end, HH is always so patient with me) but we never give up.  We have actually gotten a lot better with communicating with one another.

So as unromantic as it may sound, schedule some time everyday for love.

It may help.