I got up this morning, got the little man ready, got all of the "stuff" (ie bottles, food, blankie, diapers, wipes, toys, books, is case he pees clothes), dropped him and all the "stuff" off at the babysitters, got to work, did my two shows, picked up my little guy and all his "stuff' and then it was off to the event that is grocery shopping.
Now my son can definitely walk. He is a great walker. But he is only 12 months old so he is an awful listener. He loves to go around and pick every item off of each shelf. Thus, he sits in the cart. I've timed it. I have 20 minutes to do a week's worth of shopping before the screaming starts. That 20 minutes is full of me talking to him and listening him talk back, singing to him, giving him the snacks I have packed and playing race car with him. Usually I can make it through and get the entire shopping trip done and still have a happy camper. Not today.
I blame the Pumpkin Puree. First off, they were all out of Spaghetti Squash. Okay, I can deal. Then they were out of hummus. Annoying, but I have chick peas at home and olive oil and garlic. I will just make my own. It was the Pumpkin Puree that threw me. I was DETERMINED that I would find it. I went up and down each aisle at least 5 times. Then I asked a clerk.
They are out.
The second time around the aisles is when it started. My lovely son has found that he enjoys screaming. Not when he's angry or sad. When he's bored. It's a sound that rivals the best B Horror movie heroines. My philosophy is to ignore the bad and lavish on the praise of the good choices. For now.
So he screamed.
I ignored.
People stared.
My child, the screamer
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